Any Eye related problems can be cured in Nadipathy. In nadipathy by using various therapies we will cure the patient disease. Depending upon the patient's condition and severity of the disease it will take minimum of 1 week to max of 1 month to complete cure the disease
In Nadi chikista, there will be no medicines and surgeries, by using Alternative medicines will cure the disease through some therapies like Acupunture, Magnetic Therapy, Auricular Therapy... e.t.c.
Below are some of the cases which has been cured by using Nadi chikista.
Eye problem cured in Nadipathy -
Eye sight Cured in Nadipathy -
Eye Vision Improvement in Nadipathy -
For more details please contactIn Nadi chikista, there will be no medicines and surgeries, by using Alternative medicines will cure the disease through some therapies like Acupunture, Magnetic Therapy, Auricular Therapy... e.t.c.
Below are some of the cases which has been cured by using Nadi chikista.
Eye problem cured in Nadipathy -
Eye sight Cured in Nadipathy -
Eye Vision Improvement in Nadipathy -
Dr. P. Krishnam Raju,
M.P.Ed., N.I.S., P.G.D, YOGA, M.A., B.A.S.M., A.D.SUJOK.,M.D(A.M&ACU), Ph.D., D.Sc.,
Alternative Therapist, Nadipathy
Acupressure Health care Centre. Ramanayyapet,
Kakinada, East Godavari, AP INDIA
Cell: 8885011323 / 326
Land : 0884 - 2372345
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